понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

chan ho nam

Who do you work for?

Your company, your department, your boss, your employees, the consumer, the clients, your family, or you? For most people it's a combination of many of the above. When challenged though, what's most important? This is valuable information as you make decisions when challenge conventional wisdom, when to push back, when to stand up to leaders, how to approach problems, and how passionately dogged you should be when going against the grain.

Choose your battles wisely. Know when to pull back. Have an exit strategy. Know you can lose some battles and still win the war. Before you draw a line in the sand, know how far your willing to go before pressing on (are you willing to risk your job for this or do you just want your side to be heard?).

Make sure your argument, rhetoric and words match the size of your battle. Don't push all your chips into the center table for issue that isn't worth quitting over. Be calm, cool, collected. Rational arguments with alternate solutions will win more often than just saying no or characterizing an idea as foolish.

Think of this as first-aid for the office. You won't use it everyday, but you'll be glad you thought about the moment you enter a battle.�

chan ho nam, chan ho nam tattoo, chan ho park.

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