воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

basket easter idea infant

(More visuals tomorrow)

It took us 6 months to meet again. My bad. But it hasnapos;t much changed us. We are still as click-able, talkative, lame, noisy, loud and crazy as before. We roamed around aimlessly just before dinner. Raffles City to Marina Square to Suntec City then back to Raffles City for dinner at Canele. We got our macarons and chocolate mousse for free To top it off, they gave us further discount for our baked rice. We rejected but they insisted because it was sort of a gift or something. Before that, they even have a waiting list, but they got us a seat in just few minutes. Yes I swear they are damn nice but it didnapos;t feel good apos;cause we were no longer Raffles City tenant. Anyhow, it was still good. My Friday ended off with a wide smile and big tummy :)

Jogging + tanning session = Failed.
Mr Sun chose to be unfriendly when our (Sis and I) initial plan was to jog and tan. We eventually ended up at a Mall and went yayapapaya. Laid our eyes on finger-licking food which was so sinful and I felt damn fat that very moment. And I forgot to stock up my fridge with my favourite drink Yakulttttttt. Ok so, schoolapos;s resuming tomorrow. My ass have to be up at 7am, joy to the world... Not. I�hope I wonapos;t oversleep.

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american vehicle insurance

Okay so I havenapos;t updated this since August, and that makes me angry.
Because I have so SO SO much to talk about, but I would then write like an insane amount of pages, so Iapos;ll try to sum it up as best as I can.
September-Start of school, I have amazing friends, and great teachers, and since the first day of school I thought Iapos;d like it. I�feel bad because I feel like Iapos;m leaving Alli, but Iapos;ve been trying to actually be a part of their group for a REALLY long time, and Iapos;m just glad I am.
The Hint concert was amazing, Joe sang to us, they said theyd play my birthday, Tim was social, and Ben has a lisp.
The only other significant in September was Alliapos;s birthday party which was SO�FUN, except for the fact the Marlton kids didnapos;t show up.
So on to October. October 1st was the greatest day. TRS campout, we formed our little group of 6, and made TONS of cranes. Melissa was alright, and I LOVED�her mom, because she got us taco bell. I met Bianca [who I would later see EVERYWHERE] was very chill and her friends Chelsea and KRis were really cool. Our skater friend Ian was AMAZING. We didnt get to meet Bryce so that stinks, but I met lots of trsfamily members, which is amazing.
Then on October 4th I went to Sayreville. We arrived lateish so we just stood by where Bryce would play goodbye waves so we could be really close. We also saw Bianca there, and i was like BIANCA We waited afterwards and met MORE�trsfamily members, and it was so amazing. Bryce LOVED�the cranes, and remebered us, also Kathryns book was amazing and I felt like shit for not doing it. Ally was being a downer, but I just let it blow over so I could enjoy myself.
Victoriaaa went to her TRS show and go tSeth to call me, and it made me really happy, especially because I didnapos;t say hi to him in Starbucks.
The next concert was FTSK/Cobra. Marlton Carli slept over and I showed her around the neighborhood. We dressed up real cool. The bus drove by us twice, which in turn made us miss seeing Marc. We got there to find Bianca, and i was like BIANCA The emotionless black guy, that now has emotion kept telling us to leave. I ended up seeing Courtney Hunter who I havenapos;t seen in AGES�and that was real cool. I also met John Kyle and Kevin who go to my school, and now in school they say hi. Kris was also there and I was like KRIS�<3. And so was Emma, my favorite freshman ever, Iapos;m like obsessed with her. So Sing It Loud was good, but between sets the crowd was crazy so I left. I dont really feel like going into detail, but basically I couldnt give Marc his socks, and that made me mad.
Family Force 5 was cool, except Ally was being mad at me again, just because I was talking to Erin. Ziggy is adorable. And so is ANdrew. Danger Radio is so exciting, except their beastly fans. Then I ended up next to Shane, and we said hi, but his arm stubble kept rubbing up on me, which was weird. FF5 rocked the place and it was SO�GREAT
I have to remember to write one of these after every concert and go INTO�detail.
My life has been pretty amazing, but apparently Iapos;m not a good friend, I dont know, I think of the law of attraction, and think I shouldnapos;t want to be near her, but I have to be.
ALso since I started writing this, my I have new online bff, not that she replaced Sydd, or Victoria, she just is added to them. Shes a youngin named Tiffany and I love her. Weapos;re not super tight, but sheapos;s always there when Iapos;m disheveled.
Victoria better send my present, and I need to send Sydneys.
Well thats all for now, Ill update this again, soon, I hope.

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Today is my day off. Not wanting to waste the day sleeping away, i woke up quite early at abt 10am. A very quiet day at home. Then my colleague, Tim sms me to�ask whether i wan to go Bugis there to pray anot, then ok lor, i asked David Neo along too.

Was raining very heavily when i reach there in the afternoon, went to the temple there to pray and then followed by a game of snooker at a nearby building. Time passes very fast, soon its dinner time. After dinner at Long John, the both of them went back home. I just dun feel like going back so early, then i wander around in Bugis Junction. Saw many couples here and there, shopping, having meals together, teasing each other. Makes me thinking back of the past when she is with me.

Then suddenly, a thought came to me, i dun noe how will i feel if i saw her and her bf together hand in hand?? I really fear to see that and i�dun wish to be hurt by the sight so i choose to go back immediately coz i dun noe whether can i be able to take it. But iapos;m very sure that�i canapos;t, i really canapos;t.�

am i schizophrenic quiz, careness.

coating lab pan

Let me introduce myself a little. Iapos;m a 23 year old female living in Central Florida. My fianc� and I have been together for 5 years and engaged for...a while. Weapos;re hoping to get married in 2009, so within the year. No exact date set yet, but we have good reasons for that. We leave everything to the last minute.

One thing that is not being left to the last minute is my dress. I made a random, random decision to make my own wedding dress about a week ago. Itapos;s so out of the blue that I havenapos;t actually told anyone yet, for fear that theyapos;d laugh so hard Iapos;d lose half of my family.

I have never sewn before. Ever. Iapos;ve never even designed a dress, or any item of clothing.

Yes, I am feeling a little out of my depth, and I canapos;t honestly remember why or how I decided to make my own dress. I think I was just overwhelmed by the choice of fabrics in my local Joannapos;s. Evil store. Never go there.

So, back to the dress. I bought my fabric today after 3 visits to local fabric stores, standing around in each for an hour looking back and forth and identical swatches trying to make a decision (how the hell do people do this on a regular basis?)

For $111.16 I got:
  • 10 yds Muslin, which I read online this morning is good for making trial dresses?
  • 6 yds ivory satin
  • 3 yds dusty pink satin
  • 3 yds ivory lace
  • 2 packets of Swarovski crystals for the bodice
Iapos;m a European, I dont even use yards, I use metres So I totally guessed how much I�needed. I got home and realised that it was more than I was actually thinking I needed, but I guess it will be good because Iapos;ll probably screw up.

I also sat down this week and sketched out a dress made up on different parts of other dresses I liked. Empire skirt, halterneck bodice - that was the initial idea. Then when I saw the dusty pink and the lace today, I decided to add those in somehow. So now I will have more of an A-line skirt, which has 2 panels in the back which flare out as they go down, and that turns into the train. Those panels/the train will be made from the dusty pink material and covered in the lace.

I may also� make the bodice from the pink and cover it in lace too.

I start on the muslin version on Monday when the fianc� goes to university. Iapos;m thinking of it this way, if it all goes wrong, I can just buy a dress and Iapos;m only out $111.15. Not the world :)

Iapos;ll post pictures when I can.

coating lab pan, coating lacquer, coating lafarge, coating laminating.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

cradling lacrosse

So. A dinner date with the boyfriend turned into dinner date with the boy and my dad. I mean, whatever. Dad had to meet the boy at some point, right?

Tonight, it turned into dinner date with the boy + dad + dadapos;s date.

Thats right. 30th birthday dinner? Double date with my dad.

Oh, and according to my dad? His date has a birthday gift for me. Fuck. I love it when people get me gifts in order to impress someone else.

If youapos;re in San Antonio, promise youapos;ll come help me recover after dinner?

doug coombs la grave france, cradling lacrosse, cradling in lacrosse, cradling her.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

colours olympic ring

When I pulled my car into the driveway yesterday after work, the odometer was at exactly 27,000 miles. I should burn it now. I drove my bike to work this morning, but I forgot my bike lock. Thatapos;s okay... I forgot it earlier this week and no one stole it. And that wasnapos;t the first time that happened, either. Why is it that when I leave my bike unlocked at 5200 Woodward Avenue (the museum), no one lays a hand on it--but when Anny and I lock up our bikes at 5201 Woodward Avenue (the library), the lock is cut and both bikes are stolen?

How about this ridiculous "Joe the Plumber" nonsense? He was supposedly an undecided voter concerned about taxes. It turns out heapos;s NOT a plumber (unlicensed, uneducated), NOT undecided (heapos;s a registered Republican and previously dismissed Obamaapos;s tax plan as "socialist"), and sometimes NOT even a taxpayer (he owes Ohio over $1,000 in back taxes). And his annual salary is $250,000, while the median U.S. Plumber salary is $38K. Even the median master plumber salary is only $54K. What planet am I on?

The museum might close the Woodward entrance to save money on staff and security. There are already other entrances, and the Farnsworth door is considered to be the "main" entrance. How unfortunate. The Woodward entrance--the REAL "main" entrance--has to be the most majestic building entryway in the city, and that includes the Guardian building. Spend a few moments in the lobby by that entryway the next time youapos;re here. Itapos;s far more beautiful than any of that crap on the walls.

audiotel, colours olympic ring, colours olympic, colours office paint.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

add background myspace own

It so quiet in the office especially during lunch time.� No phone call and no incoming email and that is the only time where I can access my friendster and update my blog.

My General Manager (Mdm Guddy) when out for lunch with my Shipping Manager (Nolan) at Choa Chu Kang, Lot 1 and I took an opportunity to order some food at McDonald.� No mood to go out from office as the weather are so hot outside and I dont want to get sweat outside.�

Received a called from Abidin (Operation Executive) just now and the meeting for Merrill Lynch is on today in my office meeting room at 3pm sharp.� Meeting with General Manager (Mdm Guddy), Operation Manager (Alias) and Abidin (Operation Executive).� As per Abidin, he need me to station at Merrill Lynch starting from 15th November 2008 till next year 2009 to handle 1,290 headcount (Merrill Lynch) staff complaint and order our crew movers should they any problem.� Another challenging job scope for me to handle.�

Its not easy to handle a big move and futhermore its 1,290 headcount (staff) will be moving.� Aiyyyooohhh.... But no matter what, I still thanks to GOD (Alhamdulilah coz at least Iapos;ve got a challenging job and I�LIKE�IT BABY....)

Alias and Abidin need to know two name of our crew which I comfortable with and can help me with Merrill Lynch move.� I will be station there and what I heard from Abidin is that Merrill Lynch had prepared one room for me, and I will be seated with another 2 guys from Merrill Lynch.

Hopefully everything will run smoothly and hopefully I can handle this big move which I never encountered before. Amin.�

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